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    Alison McKellar: El Salvador killed more than 75000
    Alison McKellar: El Salvador killed more than 75000
    Quelle:http://commons.wikimedia.org, CC-BY-NC-SA
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      Nicht verfügbar, außer: Die Aktivität Lebenslauf: Oscar Romero ist als abgeschlossen markiert
    • During the 1980s and early 90's a violent civil war in El Salvador killed more than 75,000 people and left another 8,000 missing and nearly a million homeless.
      Monseñor Romero is perhaps the most well known religious figure and human rights activist in El Salvador and this mural represents the important role the Catholic Church has played on all sides of the Salvadoran struggle for peace.
      As archbishop, Romero witnessed ongoing violations of human rights and started a group which spoke out on behalf of the poor and victims of the country's civil war. Chosen as archbishop for his conservatism, once in office he embraced a nonviolent form of liberation theology, a position which led to comparisons with Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King.
      Romero was killed by a shot to the heart on March 24, 1980 while celebrating Mass at a small chapel near his cathedral following a sermon where he called on Salvadoran soldiers, as Christians, to obey God's higher order and to stop carrying out the government's repression and violations of basic human rights.
      Alison McKellar: El Salvador killed more than 75000
      Text aus: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:El_Salvador_killed_more_than_75.000.jpg Bildquelle: Alison McKellar: El Salvador killed more than 75000, aus: https://commons.wikimedia.org, CC-BY-NC-SA